Science Education

Practical hands-on experiences and opportunities to design investigations allow students to work through the scientific processes of predicting, observing and explaining. Students need to challenge their built-in assumptions in order to develop their understanding of key science concepts. The concept of fair testing needs to be at the heart of all scientific inquiries.

Science - General resources

Circuits #1 - All activities

Circuit activities using drag and drop and simulations.

Google Form end of unit assessment for circuits.

Seed experimentation

Students write steps for a germination experiment.

Introducing food chains

Students can drag and drop to create food chains.

Separating mixtures lesson video, supporting resources and student work

Key teaching moments during a 50 minute Zoom class showing a small selection of teacher and student interaction. Note that I have edited the video to remove images of students and deleted audio where names were used.

Separating mixtures_ student example

Example of completed student recording sheet.

PYP - How the world works - Energy Everywhere (science fair)

Central idea - Energy exists everywhere and can change from one form to another.

1. How the World Works_ Energy Everywhere 2016.docx

PYP planner (with end of unit reflection).

Energy is everywhere videos

Video clips used to prompt discussions on energy and forces in real-life contexts.


Rubric for students to evaluate their experiments and presentation.

Science fair photos

Photos from our science fair (students cannot be identified).