My Leadership Experience
I have worked across many areas of education and have taken on a variety of leadership roles in that time. I have been the teacher in charge of ICT in three schools, a national ICT facilitator for New Zealand, a team leader in two schools, and most recently the maths coordinator for the primary school. Ultimately, as a classroom teacher, I consider myself a leader and facilitator in my own classroom. Below are some resources I developed in my leadership roles.
Leadership of primary school mathematics
As the maths coordinator for Years 1 to 6 at Nun Academy, I created the baseline tests covering all key skills included in our Maths No Problem curriculum and converted them to a Google Forms format for Year 4 to Year 6 students for online delivery. I led teacher professional development in our programme approach. I catalogued all the maths equipment in the school, organised the school order, and created classroom checklists for teachers of what should be in each classroom. I also organised a whole school review of our progress in the first year of the programme in a full-day workshop with staff.
Baseline assessment examples
Training documents and classroom resources checklist
Leadership of ICT in education
I spent six years supporting teachers with implementing ICT from 2006 to 2012: first for a group of nine schools and then as a national ICT facilitator for New Zealand. I created a number of resources relating to ICT and best practices in teaching and learning to support teachers and school leaders. I also have led the implementation of ICT in two schools since returning to the classroom and have managed the Google Domain for one school.
Workshop presentations to teachers and leaders as an ICT facilitator
Resources made to support teaching and learning (as a facilitator and as ICT lead teacher)
Photography summary posters for display
A guide I created as an ICT facilitator for using Comic Life
BYOD letter to Mt Pleasant parents to launch initiative
Leadership within my year level team
I have led teams in New Zealand and in Saudi Arabia. I always have the agendas for meetings prepared in advance. I support team members to deliver the curriculum effectively and monitor the planning and assessment of team members. In team leader meetings, I take the concerns of my team to upper management and convey important information back to my team.
Leadership within my classroom
As a teacher, it is my job to facilitate a culture of learning in the classroom. Students need to be empowered as learners but within established guidelines and expectations that we develop together as a class.